Author: toha
•9:18 PM


Author: Jason B Han

Fans of pop culture will never forget the old comic book advertisements for the Charles Atlas bodybuilding course. These ads featured a skinny kid named Mac who gets tired of being picked on by a bully so he starts lifting weight to pack on intimidating size and strength. In the comic, Mac was successful. In real life, it is not easy to pack on weight in a healthy manner. However, it can be done if you understands how to gain weight healthfully.

First and foremost, the word “weight” must be clearly defined. By weight, we are referring to lean muscle mass. You can gain weight by packing on fat or retaining water, but this will not be of much value. Instead, you will want gain weight that is exclusively muscle weight. This is often achieved through a mass building workout.

A mass building workout entails performing compound exercises such as barbell squats, military presses, and dead lifts. The key to succeeding with such a program is consistency and working out wisely. Far too often, people will seek to increase the amount of weight they lift as fast as possible. If you are looking for an answer to the question “how to gain weight healthfully”, this is not it. It leads to burnout and injuries. Instead, gradually increase weight over time. This is a much better and safer plan.

Experimenting with safe and effective mass blasting routines would be a helpful way of gaining muscle mass safely. Super-setting (performing three or four exercises for different body parts in a row without rest); static contraction training (lifting weights extremely slow); and pre-exhausting (performing isolation exercises to failure then switching to a compound exercise) are all great ways to boost the development of lean muscle mass.

While it is often overlooked, diet is critical if you wish to gain weight in a healthy manner. Often, you will need to increase your calorie intake but you want to avoid is putting on “slop weight”. This is bodybuilder lingo for packing on a ton of unnecessary fat along with lean muscle. This happens when you eat a lot of red meat that is loaded in fat, consume dairy in excess, or just eat anything in order to acquire extra calories. If you do this while working out, you will add muscle to your frame. However, you will also add a ton of fat that will be of no benefit. That’s not how to gain weight healthfully.

For “hard gainers”, weight gain shakes are quite helpful for increasing size. These are massively high calorie shakes (several thousands of calories per serving) that contain virtually no fat. For people who are working out a lot, but cannot gain any weight these shakes are excellent way to boost size. However, if you are not a hard gainer or have a fast metabolism, you will want to stay away from shakes with this many calories. This is because the calories you do not burn or metabolize will turn to fat. That strategy is not how to gain weight healthfully.

For those that do not want to use a weight gainer, a protein shake may prove helpful. When muscles rest after a workout, it will repair itself in order to grow. Protein is required for the muscle to repair itself effectively. If you supplement your diet with protein shakes, you can significantly help your muscles repair and grow.

If you are wondering how to gain weight healthfully, proper exercise, diet, and supplementation are the way to go. This has been the secret of the pros for decades. Why not let it work for you as well?
What Is The Best How To Gain Weight Healthfully?

Watch a 14 minutes video that shows you the top 7 exercises for growing your muscles. You will also be able to get 5 free videos that show you the correct way to build muscles.

How To Gain Weight Healthfully

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